This is my last Rollan's Censored Issues Blog notice here on Blogger where I have had difficulties since the new format which I don't fancy. I have just started a new site McCleary's Alternatives
Its first feature is Cannibal Skies, Zombie Apocalypse. Thanks for coming here and enjoy going there.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
I can honestly say that
the latest suspicion to arise in Norway’s trial of mass murderer Anders
Breivik, namely that he is a repressed gay, is one I had recently arrived at
myself and intended to write about here and shall finally say something about.
Not however before a few words about why I haven’t written this before.
First, I have been
obsessed with finishing my extended essay Solomon’s Tantric Song: Questions of
Spiritual Sexuality, which hopefully should be out later in June – someone is
working on the cover right now. Second, there were a few others things like
forecasts and assessments of current events that I thought might be more
important to deal with than any Breivik article. Third, I have had trouble with
Blogger itself. When they changed format around the time I obtained a new
computer, I put a tick in a box to cancel one article and it wiped out a whole
years worth of Blogs including what I had forecast/speculated about Israel this
year. I was able to get someone to retrieve one or two of the more important
articles which I may put up again, but it’s dreadful. There’s no restore
function for errors as in the earlier Blogger system, no way of contacting
Blogger itself which merely refers you to a Forum where I found some others
were complaining helplessly about my own problem. The net is not really a free
zone, we are in the hands of a controlling few, alas.
The latter would posit
major evil is assisted and promoted by actual forces of evil, even guiding,
possessing spirits as was almost certainly the case with the Florida cannibal
of recent news who was growling like a dog as he chewed his victim’s body. Surely more
than insanity and drugs were here. Just as there was when, high on drugs, Breivik
performed his massacre with voices in his head (angelic?) telling him he shouldn’t do
what he was doing. But even if angels were speaking to him he went ahead –
because he too buys into Scandinavian ideas of natural goodness. In his
disturbed mind he is a good man doing good for his nation even though (as
revealed by a documentary here on the massacre) a mid European associate with
somewhat similar political views still reported recoiling in horror as though
hearing the devil when Breivik rang him with some ideas and intentions.
Jung famously perceived
the principle of compensation at work in lives and societies. If you blind
yourself to evil Scandinavian style then you risk producing monsters. And in a
perverse, negative way Breivik is the prophet or symbol he perceives himself as
being. Arguably he is unconsciously compensating things in Scandinavian
society, including a poor management of an inherited violence. The Vikings,
were particularly violent and “adventurous”. Scandinavians have now gone to the
opposite extreme, making criminal issues out of spanking a child and, at least
in Sweden, erecting what Julian Assange calls a society that is the Saudi Arabia
of radical feminism. While many of us would question precisely that, it does
seem the feminism may be getting out of control. Recently there have been calls
to address and refer to all children as “hen”, (it), rather than any defined
sex. Again one sees unconscious male rage rising against this. Breivik himself
has said against the rearing he received at the hands of his mother, "I do not approve of the
super-liberal, matriarchal upbringing as it completely lacked discipline and
has contributed to feminising me to a certain degree.". (Even while
writing this article the intolerably gruesome news from Sweden is that a man
suspecting his wife of an affair has cut off her lips and eaten them. Sex and
love are not necessarily the sweetness and light some imagine up there in "liberal", permissive Scandinavia!).
The fact is one cannot
turn the descendants of Vikings, once the terror of Europe, into domestic pussy
cats and lapdogs by modern law in a generation or two. There must be new ways
of canalizing and rendering conscious various unconscious masculine ideas and
archetypes. Scandinavia doesn’t have enough of these and the women themselves
unconsciously resent the situation despite the rationalizations of their animus
function – it’s notorious that despite the feminism so many go to the Mediterranean and further abroad looking for gringos (when they do it’s called their rightful sexual liberation,
marriage being widely despised in Scandinavia as “possession”) and often prefer
settling down with machismo
men to living with their own tamed but privately misogynist males. And some descendants of the Vikings do seem just tamed or weak. Take Breivik’s father….
No sooner had news of
the massacre got out than this undiplomatic sounding one time diplomat to
England and France was condemning his son saying it would have been better he
had never been born. But perhaps it would have been better if he himself hadn’t
been born!? By the time Breivik Jnr was
one year old the parents were divorced, and outside of some visits to France
Breivik saw his father but little. In fairness to Breivik Snr he is said to
have petitioned for custody of his son but was refused – expect the laws of
Scandinavia to favour women. (Julian
Assange does have some reason to tremble). Number one problem with this murderer,
long seen as kindly by friends at school, a protector against bullying, is
almost certainly he has lacked proper male/paternal influence. He is a case of
Vaterhunger, another victim of the Scandinavian free and easy lifestyles which
flee any difficulty in relation - the women too readily walk out of Nora’s
doll’s house and the men who don’t want to argue, let them go. When Breivik
didn’t manage well in life he just returned to his disliked mother’s not his
father’s home living like a hermit
remote from the world. Alienated friends suspected homosexual problems in the
withdrawal – they felt he had always been a bit effeminate and obsessed with
his looks (the gay painted pony type?) and he hadn’t been notable for
Whatever his orientation
Breivik is also the text book case of the eccentric Aquarius(b.13th
Feb,1979 in London) except that he isn’t just eccentric. He is forward looking
and, in his way, Utopian like Aquarians, thinking and speaking in terms of how
he will be seen in the future and how history and attitudes will unfold.
Unfortunately there’s a bit of method in his madness as there usually is with
Aquarians. There was plenty of madness in the likes of Tom Paine, much derided
in his own lifetime, but he did see ahead clearly enough on some things
including the welfare state. Another Aquarian Francis Bacon well and truly saw
the future, his New Atlantis inspired ideas foundational for America. Jules
Verne dreamed many details of history in advance. James Joyce anticipated literary trends.
All this can be helpful,
but the trouble is Aquarians are too often rigid fanatics for what it is they
decide is or should be – an all time prime example is North Korea’s recently
deceased Kim Il-Jong of North Korea who reduced a whole nation to a state of
almost unparalleled destitution and repression for its own supposed good while
he indulged himself. Aquarians, ruled by
different, revolutionary, Uranus are also open to anything and this will often
mean they incline like the Emperor Hadrian or Ellen DeGeneres to being gay. And
we know that as a group gays are trend makers even more than trend followers.
So we have two
questions. Is Breivik tapping into any real future and is he gay? As the second
question is slightly easier than the first I’ll cover it first. As said there's been talk of using makeup, vanity lack of girlfriends etc. This of course isn't conclusive - Latin men can prove quite vain. What about the birth pattern? Strictly
speaking we need the birth time that no one appears to possess to analyse for
gayness, but there are suggestive factors as things stand. Homosexuality falls
under the Uranus that “rules” Aquarius though among straights it could just
make for surprising behavior or proneness to accidents. But many gays do have
Breivik’s Mars square Uranus affliction. It’s what makes for the in-your-face
conduct and more reckless and kinky kind of sex of some gays. The massacre was
Breivik’s “orgy” of violence under Mars/Uranus. But it’s also an aspect which
assisted his technical knowhow to do it, Mars/Uranus people are technical round
sex the type that uses kinky sex instruments but the rifle with which he had
almost a personal relationship was enough for Breivik. Overall It would however
be more helpful to know if Brievik’s moon is in aspect to Uranus (which it
could be on his birthday if we knew the time) as this is a surer sign of
homosexuality and an associated will to separate from women.
Breivik’s Mars opposite
Black Moon Lilith is a strong warning of the already erratic disposition to
violence turning potentially demonic at the same time as it could issue from
some kind of Viking resentment towards angry feminist womanhood. Yet his cold
and conventional Venus in Capricorn could work against wanting to come out gay
and/or to experience same sex love as any aspect of his protest. A problem is
that on the one hand the loose conjunction of Breivik’s Sun with Mars renders
him keen to be rather conventionally male and belongs with his known interest
in sports (to help him keep nicely in shape apparently!). But his disharmonious
moon in Virgo and other factors could incline him to something more feminine or
effeminate. We must also recall that Uranus itself when as in his case dominant can incline to the
sexual extreme whether that will mean striking androgyny or a marked
masculinity. So Breivik could swing either way as he appears to have done.
As to the future, just
as I see Breivik as being an unconscious representative of a repressed,
politically incorrect but in context not unmeaningful anti-feminism, so he
represents awkward unconscious compensation towards something. This is the excessive, secularist, half, or
post-Christian rationalism which simply can’t and won’t accept certain core
truths. Breivik is mis-expressing and of course wrongly responding to certain
contemporary ideas. Yet he may still in his way be ahead of his time, Uranian
style, in recognizing problems not yet to be properly assimilated and
enunciated. It is not necessarily the mere “illusion” that politically correct,
liberal thought would make it out to be, to insist that a problem exists in the
West with such as immigration and multiculturalism. Nor is it necessarily wrong
to speak of them as entailing an “invasion” or at any rate some kind of
conflict. Repress even the expression words like “conflict” as discriminatory
and you court troubles of which Breivki is merely the harbinger.
Sadly, Breivik’s talk of conflict arguably perceives, Aquarian style
ahead of time, what eventually the complacent may be forced too late to realize
– there really is a challenge to be addressed by more than appeasement. Indeed,
since it seems Christians are on the way to become the new persecuted refugees,
the West would not be unjustified if it debarred Muslim immigration just to
make room for the massive influx of all those Christians and others the Muslims
don’t want near them and which the West is duty bound to be concerned with if it honestly believes in its own human
rights philosophies.
The influx of immigrants
to the West (six million Muslims now dwell in France alone and around 3 million
Turks in Germany) is inevitably controversial. It’s hardly racist to ask
questions considering the entire population of New Zealand is only around 3
million and the Irish Republic 4 million! We are finally compelled to ask can
and should nations be distinct or total hybrids or entirely new entities all
but defined by their immigrants who with their higher birth rates will soon
rise in proportion to the population? A quarter of all Breivik’s Oslo is a
ghetto of immigrants whether Muslim or other, and if and when an immigrant
attacks the native (as had happened to Breivik and people he knew and as has
happened in Sweden’s Malmo with a major crime problems it hardly dares
mention), one can almost rely on police to downplay or even ignore the offence
lest the truth appear discriminatory, “racist”, fascist or extreme. So justice
is not done and obvious truth unspoken in the interests of a convenience
calling itself tolerance.
This toleration is a
mere rationalist, secularist parody of Christian values. The open door to such
large numbers of people bids fair to become like the uprooting and (dis)placing
of entire nations, nations which, besides, wouldn’t themselves reckon to adopt
westerners on the same scale and certainly not tolerate their ways even as a
small minority. The persecution of Christians in especially (though not
uniquely) Muslim nations is now well nigh ubiquitous from Pakistan to Sudan,
and is a scandal of such proportions that a frightened and/or indifferent media
doesn’t deal with preferring to espouse the more trendy theme of denied gay or women’s
rights. Aid pours into Afghanistan but churches mustn’t be allowed there,
Christians are threatened with death, gays mustn’t exist etc. In Europe Britain
now has towns with some schools having seventy to eighty per cent overseas
pupils to the point English pupils scarcely have identity in their own land and
English is not spoken around them. This isn’t a true and enriching
multiculturalism, it’s merely a social inefficiency occasioned by the policies
of purblind leaders who don’t themselves live in or near the new ghettos.
Worse, at least among
some sections of Muslim immigrants, namely the more radicalized which I don’t
suggest most are but who can dominate the moderates who fear them, there is
hardly such a thing as immigration. Instead, it can equate to virtual
colonization (A mosque built belongs to the commonwealth of Islam for ever –
the principle has been a ground for raging disputes in Hindu India). The moment
is merely awaited when their own values, assisted by higher population growth,
can be imposed on the host nation, the process regarded as a religious cum
political duty. Meanwhile it can get protested anything great or small barring
the way to “acceptance” of these values is “prejudice”. This differs from the
outlook and contribution of most other immigrants to anywhere, but again
political correctness and the equality fetish must not be allowed to privilege
or prefer one group over another. Again, this is the merest parody of Christian
agape, one that parasitically and decadently draws upon its legacy.
The success of eventual
integration and/or the workability of multiculturalism despite the signs is the
one generalization political correct secularism allows itself. Otherwise it can
draw or allow no generalizations. While Rome burns it dithers with the UN and
the committee that demands ever more statistics and sociological surveys and
proofs. It denies the man of action, which the likes of Breivik think of
themselves as being, any meaningful role or voice. It denies the obvious and
commonsensical. It is unnatural, and unhealthy an invitation to the outburst.
If the West could have generalized from history and culture it would for
example never have wasted its time and been so long deceived by the behavior of
Assad in Syria. The West and its liberals if they were at all aware and able to
generalize should have anticipated the so-called Arab Spring would more likely
engender conservatism and desperate upheaval than democracy. Stubborn pride
alone prevents these interest groups from admitting their miscalculations and
the obvious truth.
Sometimes regretfully
one must just speak the language of conflict and accept its burden, something
which amid his many illusions Breivik does, though of course we should not pick
up a gun with him either. But one cannot trivialize or romanticize or rationalize
away major ideological and religious conflicts with all the barnacles of their prejudices in the style of the
Norwegian girl who, with the almost childish innocence of her nation in the
face of evil, concluded the docu on Breivik admitting she loved the variety of
interests and colour multiculturalism brings to her country. Much more is
involved than the variety of restaurants and cultural spectacles, in fact so
much more that it’s almost selfish to
talk that way. And until one faces the backlog of social and political
irresponsibility governing many current policies, nations risk producing and
half deserve the monster that Breivik, once supposedly quite kindly, has
Making up for lost
Blogger time and keeping to a theme somewhat, everyone either has been or
should be reading Simon Montefiore’s book and the have read it persons now
include Bill Clinton and David Cameron, the latter oddly admitting to do it
backwards. While still writing Solomon’s Tantric Song, I have joined this very
wide reading audience for a deserved bestseller that covers a three thousand
year panorama of what is often pure horror. The account has sometimes appalled
me and sometimes had me in stitches but I feel I have learned a few things
along the way and it somewhat colours the above reflections. I can’t take the
side of the Crusaders with Breivik, but I can’t go in the opposite direction
and take the side of Saladin et al. Even this supposedly generous man like most
rulers throughout history has been glamourized and he crucified and tortured
people when it suited him. He was only rarely forgiving and mild. The rulers of
the Middle East seem mostly to have been Herods for murder, tyranny, torture and
lies and among the Muslims they seem to have rejoined the cause of jihad in
most generations even if they were personally the grossest decadents. Today’s
Puritanism is almost a novel phenomenon.
Mentioning Jerusalem
leads me naturally to the point that Blogger also lost me an article I had put
out on prospects for Israel. I am not going to try to reconstruct its details
but just in case and for the sake of it I shall put its core astrological
observation on record.
The other place to watch
is what this month’s lunar eclipse might trigger for New Zealand. I don’t know
what is the right best chart of New Zealand but a widely used 1907 ones is
seriously afflicted by the eclipse. I mentioned in the erased material of last
year that some would-be Anglican prophet of Maori origins alleged he was shown
Wellington would be destroyed. He didn’t know in what year, but when it
happened it would be in June, he said. Only recently there have been more
shakings around Christchurch, so it looks like Wellington might be at some risk
at this time.
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